Friday, August 24, 2007

Long time, no post... has been a long while. Between my crazy schedule and our internet service not working more times than not, I haven't been able to update as I had hoped. Let's see if I can bring you up to date.

We just completely week four here. In some ways it has gone by so fast and in others I feel like I have been here forever. I am getting used to the way things are done here and really feel like I have become competant with the way things go.

I have handled 8 births thus far and charted or assisted in 10 others. I have had quite a few slow shifts, much more than I anticipated, but it has been good for a time of prayer and reflection.

In those births that I have been apart of, I have been amazed at God's protection over the moms and babies. All have been healthy.

Because I have had all healthy deliveries, I had not had a chance to go on a transport to the local government hospital we bring our moms to if they risk out of our services. So, last night, Elisabeth, one of the students here, was on her way to the hospital with a patient and asked me if I wanted to go with her to experience it. The ride over there was a bit scary and clausterphobic for me. The ambulance windows were closed and we were going so fast. There is no air con in the ambulance, so the air was very thick and humid. We arrived at the hospital and it was just as everyone had described to me. Our mom was quickly brought to a room to be examined and the doctor did a quick over on her. The walls and exam tables were all splattered with blood - and it wasn't from our patient. The labor area of the hospital was out in the open with no curtains and probably about 100 women there. After we got the mom checked in, we prayed with her and then had to leave.

This afternoon after I got off shift, Elisabeth and I went back to the hospital to see mom and baby. When we got there, there was some confusion as to if she was a patient or not, but we found her in a bed in the postpartum unit. Like the Labor Unit, there are about 300 women all in one room, bed after bed with their babies. Everything is very old and very dirty. Immediately when I saw her, I knew something was wrong. She looked to be crying and I could not see a baby. Her neighbor in the next bed motioned that the baby was dead. We just sat and cried and prayed with her. She wasn't really able to speak at all, just layed in bed sobbing. There are no answers here. No one seems to know if baby died before or after the birth and I doubt we or they will ever know. She now has to spend the next 2-3 days in the postpartum ward with all the other moms and babies. My heart just breaks for her. Aris is only young to have gone through this pregnancy and now death. Please keep her and her family in your prayers.

We leave a week from today. I am so excited to see my kids and Ben. 5 weeks is really a long time. I am so thankful for this opportunity though and would do it again. I have been convicted time and time again at how even when life feels tough for us in the US, it is nothing compared to how others live their lives. We have so much to be thankful for.

I hope to add lots more pics soon...pray that the internet works and I find the time! :)


Unknown said...

Wow, I'm glad you were there for that girl, I can't begin to fathom the heartbreak she is going through. I'm glad God placed you in her path so you could pray for her and be there for her. We all miss you! I hope your last week is productive and you're present at the births you need to be at.

Any package yet??? They've had it for a week :)

Love you!!

Anonymous said...

I'll be praying for Aris! That is so sad. I can't help but think that even if she'd losh the baby with you that she'd have been better off to have had the chance to hold him and kiss him and say a proper good-bye. My heart is breaking for her too.