Last night, before I was to start the night shift (which was completely dead, by the way, so don't expect a post), Christy, Medea (a student midwife here) and I went to the hospital to visit some patients. Christy and I needed to go and see Sharene and Jean and Madea had a continuity whose baby is 3 weeks old. Meldrine has been in the hospital since birth and is suffering from hydrocephilus. They are waiting for a specialist to see him, but are not sure when that is going to happen. We are all afraid he is going to die in the mean time.
When we walked in the room, we were happy to see that Meldrine and Jean were placed next to one another. We spent about an hour sitting and talking with both moms. Medea had gathered a special bag for her continuity from the donations I brought along. I had already given one to Sharene the night before at the birth. Medea's patient was giddy with excitement over the gifts. We helped her place Meldrine in the sling, hoping that with some more skin to skin bonding, he might try to nurse. At this point, I am not sure he is getting anything more than is in his IV. He has lost a lot of weight and does not look good.
Sharene would not say much. She was stand offish in the birth as well. She is only 20 and her bana is 38. He has another family and was not at the hospital last night. I encouraged her to try and get Jean to suck, but Sharene was not interested in nursing her. I am very worried for them both. Without Jean nursing or sucking at all, I am not sure how she is going to get nutrients. Sharene is responsible for feeding her at the hospital - there are no meals/formula brought in for patients.
The hospital is just as I remember it - nothing is different or shocking, but yet, it still rocks me to my core. The people deserve more than this and yet, they are still so grateful. We prayed with both families and left them with food, but it really feels so small in the grand scheme of things. I know God is the God of Miracles and they definitely need one.
Christy also posted a blog on our trip to the hospital - she seems to do such a better job with words than I feel free to check it out if you are so inclined.
Meldrine and his mommy.
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